

Greetings Esteemed Curators,

It is the 15th of December and per our contract I am obligated to report to you my progress! The past two weeks I’ve nearly finished up the Krylovians Descendants and Male – Jungle Fighters Assault Teams, those need just a bit of cleanup but will be released in January as planned. I’ve also nearly finished the End of Year Sage tier reward; Commander Muskrat needs just a few more finishing touches before he is ready for release, also planned to release in January 2025.


We’ve voted for Deuterium Soldiers – Rough Riders in the Discord polls, which I will promptly begin making in the final half of this month. Rather than horses, I’ve set my eyes on Mono-tracked Tank Bikes due to their cool industrial look and historically accurate ground traversal. Horses are still on the menu in the future, but for now our community has voted for bikes.


With the new year I plan on introducing a few changes to the subscription tiers. For now, the prices will stay the same as I work up the courage to tackle two releases a month rather than just one. But to give an incentive for me to work harder and for you to upgrade your subscription, I’ve decided to add the following things to the Sage tier rewards from January 1st, 2025 onward:

  • Every month under the Sage tier you may suggest and vote for a single extra model which I will design and release for the next month, exclusive to Sage tier subscribers.
  • Under the Sage tier your voting weight is more than doubled compared to the Scholar tier, allowing you to have a higher impact when voting on the monthly releases poll. The voting weights will be: 1 for public vote, 1,5 for Scholar vote, 3,5 for Sage vote. This will allow Sages to veto releases under certain circumstances if they were to band together.

We still have a Miniature Painting Competition going! With 15 days left, I haven’t seen any submissions yet, so your chances of winning a $$$ prize are still very high by just participating! Make sure to hop into the Discord and place your submission for a chance on that.

That’s all I have to report for now. I appreciate your feedback and comments! Thank you so much for your support!

May your FEP hold forever strong,

